Software I hate
Because sometimes hatred is perfectly fine.
Very detailed analysis.
- 2019 / Jan
- The D in SystemD stands for Danger, Will Robinson! Defanged exploit code for security holes now out in the wild, by The Register
- 2019 / Jan
- New Systemd Privilege Escalation Flaws Affect Most Linux Distributions, by The Hacker News
- 2018 / Oct
- The D in Systemd stands for ’Dammmmit!’ A nasty DHCPv6 packet can pwn a vulnerable Linux box, by The Register
- 2016 / May
- SystemD - it keeps getting worse, by E.M.Smith
- 2014 / September
- Systemd: The Biggest Fallacies
- (no term)
- Arguments against systemd
- 2019 / May
Over a million lines of mostly C code for an init system.
Compare that to say sinit at 100 - 200 lines of C code.
- (no term)
- systemd is the best example of Suck, by
Microsoft the company and their software in general
Yes, even the modern Microsoft that now “loves” Open Source software.
They still doing many of their old techniques, just in a smarter more cunning ways.
Here Alex Kleydints wrote on their take over of javascript, involving GitHub, NPM and their editor drive.